
Geoop fremsender anbefalinger til ministeren

Som udløber af geotermikonferencen den 19 Februar 2018 blev der opsummeret en række anbefalinger som efterfølgende er blevet sendt til Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt samt energiordførerne for de forskellige partier.

Geoop is attending CampusEnergy 2018

Geoop is presenting a poster at CampusEnergy 2018 in Baltimore, MD titled “Geothermal heat on the scale”. Come meet us at poster #15 March 5th – 9th at Hilton Baltimore

Geoop exhibits at GeoTHERM

Geoop is exhibiting at Europe’s biggest fair and congress for geothermal energy. Come and meet us a booth #15 in Ortenauhalle, Messe Offenburg, Germany on 1st and 2nd of March

Geothermal energy on the Energy Bill

Geothermal heat is positioned to become a key component in the green transition. Geothermal energy has to be part of the forthcoming Danish energy bill. The near-term goal is to understand the value of geothermal energy in district heating, and the long-term goal is to introduce geothermal in large scale into district heating.

Geoop signs memorandum of understanding with Townrock Energy

Copenhagen/Edinburgh, 5th January 2018 – Geoop has signed a memorandum of understanding with Townrock Energy to jointly promote green energy, develop projects and support initiatives in Britain regarding geothermal energy. A special focus will be on geothermal heat...