Om Geoop
The geothermal potential in Denmark is great, due to favorable geological conditions, and district heating companies have yet fully utilize this energy resource.
Geothermal projects are, however, technically challenging, and district heating companies typically do not have the competences to develop geothermal projects. Geoop is a professional operator who can manage geothermal projects and the risks associated with them.
Geoop is a professional operating company that has the necessary technical skills to enter into agreements with industry partners and district heating companies to ensure the successful development and operation of geothermal projects – much like in the oil and gas industry.
Who is behind Geoop?
Geoop was founded on 12th February, 2016 by LACS Energy Biz ApS, owned by Lars Andersen and Claus Pedersen – both having solid experience from working with oil, gas and geothermal energy.
Geoop has engaged a number of experts from the oil, gas and geothermal energy industries, all of whom have over 20 years of industry experience. Geoop applies methodologies and technologies developed in the oil and gas industry for the evaluation of geothermal resources and the production of geothermal energy.